PALM Méthode Artisanale

PALM is an artisan method for making exceptional sourdough breads at home that can easily scale up to help feed local communities. PALM uses the best parts of both modern and ancient baking traditions to bring the delicious ritual of local, fresh bread (back) into our daily lives.

Looking to enjoy bread in tasty new ways?
Explore the PALM Recipe Box to get your culinary wheels turning!

The PALM logo is an indication that the bread you're enjoying has been made with great attention to social, cultural, economic, ecological, and nutritional impact.

PALM is a French acronym for Pain Accessible au Levain à la Maison.

The PALM Flagship

Located in Delaware, Ohio, Le Phare is the PALM flagship bakery. Here new ideas are tested and openly shared such that anyone who wants to create their own PALM ventures has a foundation of information from which to begin.

If you're curious (or just hungry for great bread), be sure to stop by on our next baking day and see for yourself what it's all about!
Le Phare »